Dia Mundial das Pessoas Refugiadas

Dia Internacional
2023-06-20 00:01 - 23:59

Whoever. Wherever. Whenever. Everyone has the right to seek safety.

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.

World Refugee Day 2022

Whoever they are, people forced to flee should be treated with dignity. Anyone can seek protection, regardless of who they are or what they believe. It is non-negotiable: seeking safety is a human right. Wherever they come from, people forced to flee should be welcomed. Refugees come from all over the globe. To get out of harm’s way, they might take a plane, a boat, or travel on foot. What remains universal is the right to seek safety. Whenever people are forced to flee, they have a right to be protected. Whatever the threat – war, violence, persecution – everyone deserves protection. Everyone has a right to be safe.


Todas as datas

  • 2023-06-20 00:01 - 23:59


Rua Manuel Marques, nº 21-P Lisboa 1750-170 Lisboa Portugal


* indicates required

Sobre Nós

A Associação Portuguesa de Mulheres Juristas é uma organização não-governamental de juristas, fundada em 1988, com o objectivo de contribuir para o estudo crítico do Direito sob a perspectiva da defesa dos Direitos Humanos das Mulheres.
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